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Waiters Friend Bottle Opener

SKU: rjp-c1476
Waiters Friend Bottle Opener Waiters Friend Bottle Opener
1.01 In Stock
The Double Reach Waiters Friend's ingenious, double-hinged 2-step boot Lever helps lift the cork along a straight vertical line - no straining sideways against the bottle neck! Insert the spiral and seat the shorter notch of the boot lever on the bottle rim and lift the cork part way. Adjust the handle to seat the notch of the longer boot lever segment on the bottle rim. Lift the handle again, and the cork rises perpendicular to the bottle. There is also a bottle cap opener and foil cutter! Brand this promotional Waiters Friend with your brand name for use as a high quality promotional gift or in your venue to help establish your brand identity.
This Product is POA

  • The Double Reach Waiters Friend's ingenious, double-hinged 2-step boot Lever helps lift the cork along a straight vertical line - no straining sideways against the bottle neck! Insert the spiral and seat the shorter notch of the boot lever on the bottle rim and lift the cork part way. Adjust the handle to seat the notch of the longer boot lever segment on the bottle rim. Lift the handle again, and the cork rises perpendicular to the bottle. There is also a bottle cap opener and foil cutter! Brand this promotional Waiters Friend with your brand name for use as a high quality promotional gift or in your venue to help establish your brand identity.

    SKU: rjp-c1476

  • Personalisation Area:
    Print Dimensions (Not to Scale) W 70mm x H 9mmmm
    Product Dimensions
    Product Width: 13 cm
    Product Length: 110 cm
    Product Height: 23 cm
    Packing Dimensions
    Box Weight: 9 kg
    Box Width: 33 cm
    Box Length: 25 cm
    Box Height: 28 cm
    Qty Per Box: 120 Units

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