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Branded Promotional Calculators

If you want to impress your target audience, you must think of what marketing items would most appeal to it. For instance, you can offer promotional calculators if you are advertising to prospects from schools, universities, construction sites or engineering companies. 
In fact, any industry that teaches math courses or requires math skills can make use of promotional calculators. Each one has its unique shape and size, and they all have their own special features. For instance, you might notice some in our current inventory that have clocks, rubber sides or a ruler. Others are enclosed in a conference folder, while some models sit openly on a desk. 

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Customise your Promotional Calculator

We also provide a variety of customisations for you when you order your branded promotional calculators. For instance, you can personalise them with your business logo and whatever message or slogan you want to share with the world. In addition, each piece of merchandise you order can be sent to you in just about any colour that you need. Each one is made to coordinate with your current logo colours or you can have them designed for use in a new seasonal marketing campaign. 
One of the benefits of promotional calculators is that they are reusable items that your recipients will keep and pass on to others. That is unlike paper advertisements that might be immediately thrown in the rubbish bin. Furthermore, we have devices that can be customised with whatever graphic design or solid colour background you want to print on them. Each calculator you order will be sent wherever the user travels with it, which provides unlimited marketing opportunities.
Please browse our current stock of promotional branded calculators. You will find ones made from a variety of materials such as durable plastic, wood or metal. Some of them resemble earlier designs of calculators such as ones created in the 1980s. On the other hand, later models are more suitable for now when the “digital” look is more appropriate. 
You can contact us if you need any assistance planning your next marketing campaign using promotional calculators. If you are ready to request your first supply, feel free to also begin your order online now. 

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