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Pocket cloud wireless storage

SKU: xd-p300133
Pocket cloud wireless storage Pocket cloud wireless storage
34.00 In Stock
No wires or subscriptions with this 16 GB Wireless storage flash drive that allows you to extend the memory of your mobile device wherever you are! How does it work? Each Pocket Cloud creates a personal wifi signal to communicate with your mobile device. After that use the free APP to organise, transfer, backup and share your files. The Pocket Cloud is protected by a password to keep your documents safe. The files can be shared with a maximum of 6 users. Including micro usb cable to charge the pocket cloud.

  • No wires or subscriptions with this 16 GB Wireless storage flash drive that allows you to extend the memory of your mobile device wherever you are! How does it work? Each Pocket Cloud creates a personal wifi signal to communicate with your mobile device. After that use the free APP to organise, transfer, backup and share your files. The Pocket Cloud is protected by a password to keep your documents safe. The files can be shared with a maximum of 6 users. Including micro usb cable to charge the pocket cloud.

    SKU: xd-p300133

  • Product Dimensions
    Product Weight: 117 g
    Product Width: 6
    Product Length: 9
    Product Height: 1
  • Quantity Price Breaks6 1 50 100 250 500 1000
    Plain Stock 36.72 37.64 37.41 37.18 36.95 36.72
    Printed 1 Colour 37.69 41.64 39.53 38.63 38.11 37.69
    Please note: These are guide prices and are subject to change without prior notice. All orders placed are subject to artwork review.

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