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Olive Oil Elizondo Set Luxury

SKU: tps-2656
Olive Oil Elizondo Set Luxury Olive Oil Elizondo Set Luxury
26.06 In Stock
Elizondo Luxury olive oil set. Including 3 glass bottles with 200ml capacity: 1 bottle Nº3 Oil 200ml: Early Extra Virgin Quality and Picual variety, with an intense green colour, harvested in the first weeks of October, when the organoleptic characteristics of the fruit are at their best, cold extraction. 1 bottle of Premium Royal Oil 200ml: Extra Virgin Quality, of a limited, local kind, with properties and peculiarities that make this variety of oil unique in the world. 1 bottle of Luxury Black Truffle Oil: Extra Virgin infused quality, with all the exclusivity represented by the natural black truffle slices macerating inside. Black truffle variety of Spanish origin, a fresh, healthy and exclusive product, highly appreciated in gastronomy. Made in Spain, set presented in an elegant, exclusive box with window and a wide branding surface.
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Where did you hear about us?

  • Elizondo Luxury olive oil set. Including 3 glass bottles with 200ml capacity: 1 bottle Nº3 Oil 200ml: Early Extra Virgin Quality and Picual variety, with an intense green colour, harvested in the first weeks of October, when the organoleptic characteristics of the fruit are at their best, cold extraction. 1 bottle of Premium Royal Oil 200ml: Extra Virgin Quality, of a limited, local kind, with properties and peculiarities that make this variety of oil unique in the world. 1 bottle of Luxury Black Truffle Oil: Extra Virgin infused quality, with all the exclusivity represented by the natural black truffle slices macerating inside. Black truffle variety of Spanish origin, a fresh, healthy and exclusive product, highly appreciated in gastronomy. Made in Spain, set presented in an elegant, exclusive box with window and a wide branding surface.

    SKU: tps-2656

  • Product Dimensions
    Product Weight: 1500 g
    Product Width: 80 cm
    Product Length: 135 cm
    Product Height: 300 cm
    Packing Dimensions
    Box Weight: 10 kg
    Box Width: 10 cm
    Box Length: 26 cm
    Box Height: 30 cm
  • Quantity Price Breaks6 1 10 25 50 100 200
    Plain Stock 47.65 59.84 53.20 50.16 48.35 47.65
    Printed 1 colour 1 position 48.68 73.05 58.45 52.76 49.64 48.68
    Please note: These are guide prices and are subject to change without prior notice. All orders placed are subject to artwork review.

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