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Multifunction Charger Drusek

SKU: tps-1285
Multifunction Charger Drusek Multifunction Charger Drusek
4.73 In Stock
Nature line charger with key ring and smartphone holder. Made of durable bamboo with lacquered finish, including type C connection (input and output) and dual micro USB / Lightning. Presented in an attractive, eco-designed individual box.

  • Nature line charger with key ring and smartphone holder. Made of durable bamboo with lacquered finish, including type C connection (input and output) and dual micro USB / Lightning. Presented in an attractive, eco-designed individual box.

    SKU: tps-1285

  • Product Dimensions
    Product Weight: 27 g
    Product Width: 15 cm
    Product Length: 155 cm
    Product Height: 27 cm
    Packing Dimensions
    Box Weight: 11 kg
    Box Width: 11 cm
    Box Length: 32 cm
    Box Height: 30 cm
  • Quantity Price Breaks6 1 25 50 100 200 250
    Plain Stock 7.15 12.50 9.58 8.25 7.33 7.15
    Printed 1 colour 1 position 7.78 17.78 12.21 9.55 8.37 7.78
    Printed 2 colours 1 position 8.30 23.06 14.83 10.85 9.40 8.30
    Printed 3 colours 1 position 8.83 28.34 17.46 12.16 10.44 8.83
    Printed 4 colours 1 position 9.36 33.62 20.08 13.46 11.47 9.36
    Please note: These are guide prices and are subject to change without prior notice. All orders placed are subject to artwork review.

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