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MOYU Erasable Stone Paper Notebook

SKU: clp-179870
MOYU Erasable Stone Paper Notebook MOYU Erasable Stone Paper Notebook
0.00 In Stock
MOYU branded A5 erasable notebook made from stone paper. The extra sturdy cover is made from 700 grams of recycled cardboard. This notebook includes a pen and cleaning cloth. Each stone paper page is sustainably produced, naturally tree-free and 100% recyclable. This notebook, with an elastic pen loop, is bound in a strong wire-o binding and has 40 pages with a weekly planner, to-do lists, lined paper, blank paper, graph paper and dotted paper. Take down notes with the accompanying, special MOYU pen. This pen contains the original Frixion ink. This special ink dries completely on stone paper and is easy to erase without leaving a trace. Slightly moisten the supplied MOYU cloth with some water and erase the ink. This way, pages remain empty for new ideas and to-do lists. You can write on rock paper 500 times on average. This notebook will last you for years. Stone paper is made from 80% limestone and 20% clean plastic. It is naturally tree free, and no water or chemicals are required to make it. The production of stone paper is therefore more economical and produces 67% less CO2 than in the production of pulp paper. In addition, stone paper can be recycled endlessly, without having to add new raw materials.
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  • MOYU branded A5 erasable notebook made from stone paper. The extra sturdy cover is made from 700 grams of recycled cardboard. This notebook includes a pen and cleaning cloth. Each stone paper page is sustainably produced, naturally tree-free and 100% recyclable. This notebook, with an elastic pen loop, is bound in a strong wire-o binding and has 40 pages with a weekly planner, to-do lists, lined paper, blank paper, graph paper and dotted paper. Take down notes with the accompanying, special MOYU pen. This pen contains the original Frixion ink. This special ink dries completely on stone paper and is easy to erase without leaving a trace. Slightly moisten the supplied MOYU cloth with some water and erase the ink. This way, pages remain empty for new ideas and to-do lists. You can write on rock paper 500 times on average. This notebook will last you for years. Stone paper is made from 80% limestone and 20% clean plastic. It is naturally tree free, and no water or chemicals are required to make it. The production of stone paper is therefore more economical and produces 67% less CO2 than in the production of pulp paper. In addition, stone paper can be recycled endlessly, without having to add new raw materials.

    SKU: clp-179870

  • Product Dimensions
    Product Weight: 305 g
    Product Width: 2
    Product Length: 16
    Product Height: 21
    Packing Dimensions
    Box Weight: 16
    Box Width: 40
    Box Length: 50
    Box Height: 34
    Qty Per Box: 50 Units
  • Quantity Price Breaks6 1 100 250 500 1000 2500
    Plain Stock 21.70 26.37 24.56 23.60 22.65 21.70
    Pad Printing 22.14 27.19 25.23 24.20 23.17 22.14
    Pad Printing 22.14 27.19 25.23 24.20 23.17 22.14
    Please note: These are guide prices and are subject to change without prior notice. All orders placed are subject to artwork review.

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