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Personalised Branded Gift Sets

Communication between your target audience and you is important. One way to help them remember you is by offering them branded gift sets. This type of personalised merchandise also shows your customers, coworkers and associates how much you appreciate them. 

Branded gift sets often serve many purposes. For instance, employers often use them as milestone awards that they present at employee luncheons or service award dinners. Additionally, a company might offer them as a competition prize. Otherwise, a business could send them to customers as an incentive for placing a minimum online order. However you choose to use your personalised gifts, they will help you keep your current clients and reach new ones.

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Printed Gift Sets from Probos Promotions

The secret to maximising the marketability of your gift sets is in the way you personalise them. For instance, we typically create branded pen collections that mimic a company’s marketing colours. In addition, we also provide new customised merchandise for first-time product and service launches.

If you have any designs you prefer to use when producing your personalised gift sets, please upload them to us when you order. We also will discuss with you in detail any new merchandise design ideas you might have, and then each item will be produced to your satisfaction before we ship them.

One of the benefits of your branded gift sets is that they are made to last for years. This provides you with unlimited opportunities for exponential advertising exposure. You can use your gift items along with paper business cards, fliers or postcards and also use them as standalone marketing pieces. Either way, the reusable gifts you distribute will result in greater customer retention than disposable ads.

Examples of branded gift sets we produce include boxes of pens and cosmetic, wine or espresso collections. Some items you see in our catalogue are available indefinitely. However, others are only offered for a limited time and need to be requested before the supply is gone.

If you need help with designing your personalised gift sets, please contact us. We also can tell you what items are still available if you are unsure when ordering online. Otherwise, feel free to choose one or more branded sets that would best suit your marketing campaigns and complete your request today.

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