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Drawstring Bag Bayolet

SKU: tps-1137
Drawstring Bag Bayolet Drawstring Bag Bayolet
3.21 In Stock
Drawstring backpack in soft 210T polyester. Made using highly reflective fabric, based on the principle of retro-reflection of light, a property of nighttime visibility that consists of the refraction of light back to its source of origin. With black self-closing strings and metal eyelets. Resistant up to 7kg in weight and waterproof.

  • Drawstring backpack in soft 210T polyester. Made using highly reflective fabric, based on the principle of retro-reflection of light, a property of nighttime visibility that consists of the refraction of light back to its source of origin. With black self-closing strings and metal eyelets. Resistant up to 7kg in weight and waterproof.

    SKU: tps-1137

  • Product Dimensions
    Product Weight: 68 g
    Product Length: 420 cm
    Product Height: 340 cm
    Packing Dimensions
    Box Weight: 15 kg
    Box Width: 15 cm
    Box Length: 40 cm
    Box Height: 48 cm
  • Quantity Price Breaks6 1 50 100 200 250 500
    Plain Stock 4.56 7.13 5.74 5.06 4.93 4.56
    Printed 1 colour 1 position 5.24 9.51 6.92 5.97 5.73 5.24
    Please note: These are guide prices and are subject to change without prior notice. All orders placed are subject to artwork review.

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