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Cocktail Keyring Stirrers

SKU: rjp-c1054
Cocktail Keyring Stirrers Cocktail Keyring Stirrers
0.28 In Stock
Don't just let your message stop at the club with our snap keyring cocktail stirrers, potential customers can carry your advertisement with them wherever they go, just snap off the top to realise the keyring. Print these promotional cocktail stirrer keyring in full colour to advertise your brand.
This Product is POA

  • Don't just let your message stop at the club with our snap keyring cocktail stirrers, potential customers can carry your advertisement with them wherever they go, just snap off the top to realise the keyring. Print these promotional cocktail stirrer keyring in full colour to advertise your brand.

    SKU: rjp-c1054

  • Personalisation Area:
    Print Dimensions (Not to Scale) W 20mm Diametermm x H mm
    Product Dimensions
    Product Height: 188 cm
    Packing Dimensions
    Box Weight: 6 kg
    Box Width: 40 cm
    Box Length: 58 cm
    Box Height: 32 cm
    Qty Per Box: 750 Units

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