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Bamboo clock and pen holder

SKU: imp-710402
Bamboo clock and pen holder Bamboo clock and  pen holder
0.00 In Stock
Bamboo and plastic pen holder with multifunctional clock. Functions: time, indoor thermometer, calendar (day, date, month), alarm and snooze, timer, and birthday reminder. Batteries included.

  • Bamboo and plastic pen holder with multifunctional clock. Functions: time, indoor thermometer, calendar (day, date, month), alarm and snooze, timer, and birthday reminder. Batteries included.

    SKU: imp-710402

  • Product Dimensions
    Product Weight: 160 g
    Product Length: 10
    Product Height: 12
    Packing Dimensions
    Box Weight: 106
    Box Length: 565
    Box Height: 30
    Qty Per Box: 50 Units
  • Quantity Price Breaks6 1 25 50 100 250 500
    Plain Stock 8.41 9.68 9.06 8.83 8.51 8.41
    front - pad - 4 colour(s) - 55 x 25 mm 8.84 14.53 11.48 10.03 9.17 8.84
    front - engrave - 1 colour(s) - 50 x 10 mm 9.26 14.86 11.64 10.37 9.60 9.26
    Please note: These are guide prices and are subject to change without prior notice. All orders placed are subject to artwork review.

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