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23" manual open/close LED umbrella

SKU: xd-p850421
23" manual open/close LED umbrella 23" manual open/close  LED umbrella
16.11 In Stock
This manual open/close LED umbrella makes walking in the rain fun! The umbrella has 8 white led lights on each rib. Besides giving a beautiful light effect it also enables you to be visible and to walk safely at night. In the handle you can find a practical flash light. The umbrella is made of 190T pongee polyester and features a fibreglass frame and ribs, making it storm proof. Including 3 AAA Alkaline batteries.

  • This manual open/close LED umbrella makes walking in the rain fun! The umbrella has 8 white led lights on each rib. Besides giving a beautiful light effect it also enables you to be visible and to walk safely at night. In the handle you can find a practical flash light. The umbrella is made of 190T pongee polyester and features a fibreglass frame and ribs, making it storm proof. Including 3 AAA Alkaline batteries.

    SKU: xd-p850421

  • Product Dimensions
    Product Weight: 421 g
    Product Height: 79 cm
  • Quantity Price Breaks6 1 25 50 100 250 500
    Plain Stock 20.30 22.88 22.14 21.38 20.85 20.30
    Print Price 21.69 27.42 25.44 23.59 22.46 21.69
    Please note: These are guide prices and are subject to change without prior notice. All orders placed are subject to artwork review.

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