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18cm x 12.5cm x 5mm Jade Glass Bevelled Rectangle with Chrome Pin

SKU: cga-dy52
18cm x 12.5cm x 5mm Jade Glass Bevelled Rectangle with Chrome Pin 18cm x 12.5cm x 5mm Jade Glass Bevelled Rectangle with Chrome Pin
7.00 In Stock
A stylish, inexpensive recognition award, the vertical flat plaques are available in 3 sizes and have a polished edge, bevel on all 4 sides and chrome pin stand. They have a large engraving area that can be personalised with any logo, crest and wording to mark a sales achievement, sporting success or just to acknowledge a job well done. They are supplied in individual white gift boxes.
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  • A stylish, inexpensive recognition award, the vertical flat plaques are available in 3 sizes and have a polished edge, bevel on all 4 sides and chrome pin stand. They have a large engraving area that can be personalised with any logo, crest and wording to mark a sales achievement, sporting success or just to acknowledge a job well done. They are supplied in individual white gift boxes.

    SKU: cga-dy52

  • Personalisation Area:
    Print Dimensions (Not to Scale) W 9mm x H 12mm
    Product Dimensions
    Product Weight: 270 g
    Product Width: 125 mm
    Product Height: 180 mm
    Packing Dimensions
    Box Weight: 20 kg
    Box Width: 460 mm
    Box Length: 460 mm
    Box Height: 610 mm
    Qty Per Box: 20 Units
    Qty Per Pallet: 20 Units
  • Quantity Price Breaks6 1 1 24 200 400 800
    Plain Stock 10.36 28.21 11.40 10.49 10.42 10.36
    Engraved 10.41 70.03 13.50 10.69 10.53 10.41
    Printed 1 Colour 10.39 49.53 12.65 10.59 10.48 10.39
    Printed 2 Colours 10.44 90.53 14.35 10.79 10.58 10.44
    Please note: These are guide prices and are subject to change without prior notice. All orders placed are subject to artwork review.

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